I have been much of late disgusted with the lack of decency and virtue that I have encountered amongst so called gentlemen and intellectuals. For example, there is rooming across from me an individual representing the culmination of a trend of uncleanliness and impurity that would raise bile in the throat of our Savior. This vile playwright makes his living by performing tales of fornication and sin to both the plague ridden masses and the ill bred nobility. His horrid tales would find little audience amongst the heathens of northern Europe, yet he finds plentiful victims for his vulgar ministrations amongst London’s fallen.
Now, I can only speculate on the root of this impurity, it was only a few generations ago that our empire was the envy of the world, a beacon of light to neighboring hordes of barbarians and heathens. Perhaps the rampant vulgarity and boorishness gained a foothold during the duplicitous ascension of our so called “virgin” queen, however I fear that the issue strikes deeper, perhaps being rooted in a crumbling Papist foundation. Therefore as a duty to both God and Reason I humbly submit the following moral anecdotes and instructions to better prepare the pure and elect against the increasing whorish multitudes. Much of the following will be tales and opinions from my own life demonstrating the correct expression of Reason that trials of our modern life require. I fear that lowly commoners will gain much entertainment but little education from my humble notes. However through a careful subscription to my opinions an educated gentlemen-or yes, perhaps even a gentlewoman-may, through my instruction save their wretched soul from wanton waste.
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